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Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok’s Taxi Tours Guestbook
18.9.2024 19:21
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8.3.2014 16:53 Permalink

I was travelling alone as a woman from 5.-25. February 2014 with Ashok's Taxi Tours.

My driver was Mr. Charlie, he is a very experienced and save driver, we had interesting conversations and I learned a lot of the Indian life. I really appreciate his company. He always give me advices what to see and to do in the different locations.

Even I travelled as a woman alone, I felt all the time save. I think is no problem to travel alone as a woman as long you respect the culture, e. g. means you should be probably dressed, long trousers and T-Shirt is fine. I wouldn't recommend to go out in the night and also keep a certain distance to all the people who want to be your "friend" and talk to you. If you take care about these small things you will have a wonderful time in India.

India is a beautiful country, with lot's of culture, wonderful colorful and nice people, at least once in your life you have to see India.

I really would anytime heartily recommend Ashok's Taxi Tours for a tour, as a woman especially traveling alone I would not recommend to take public transport. It's so convenient to take Ashok's taxi service, you save a lot of time, see much more and get a very good inside into Indian life.

Thanks again Mr. Charlie and Ashok's Taxi Tour for the wonderful tour through Rajasthan, next time I come to India for sure I will travel and explore India with you.