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Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok’s Taxi Tours Guestbook
18.9.2024 21:14
Einträge insgesamt: 471   Einträge pro Seite: 4
Ihr Name Ihre Meinung
1) Ingo 
Heimatort, Land:
Deutschland Heimatort, Land
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9.9.2023 20:25 Permalink

Since about one year I am using regular Ashoks service.

Sightseeing tour Dehli, travel to Agra, shopping tour Dehli and so on. Sometimes based on own planning somtimes asking for his ideas.

Each time professional competent, very nice, save feeling, experienced, nice talking. Most important every time reliable trustful happy and friendly.

I like and will surely come again next time when having rest in Dehli.