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Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok’s Taxi Tours Guestbook
18.9.2024 21:35
Einträge insgesamt: 471   Einträge pro Seite: 4
Ihr Name Ihre Meinung
1) Dirk & Justus Sandforth & Felix 
Heimatort, Land:
Bottrop, Germany Heimatort, Land
IP gespeichert Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D167 Safari/9537.53
5.7.2015 14:41 Permalink

We stayed from 21st to 28th of June in Delhi and did all Tours and transports with Ashok's Taxi service.

Everything was well organized, absolutely serious and flexible.

Our driver Bittoo was very friendly and a very safe driver. He gave us all informations, we needed.
We were very happy having him as driver.

We recommend Ashok's Taxi service to anyone visiting India!

Thank You Ashok and Bittoo!