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Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok Bhardwaj

Ashok’s Taxi Tours Guestbook
14.2.2025 01:18
Einträge insgesamt: 485   Einträge pro Seite: 4
1 ... 72 73 [74] 75 76 ... 122
Ihr Name Ihre Meinung
193) April 
Heimatort, Land:
Australia Heimatort, Land
IP gespeichert Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
2.10.2014 14:08 Permalink

I found Ashok on Tripadvisor and my emails were responded to very quickly (even on a Sunday - 3 other companies did not reply at all!)

I booked 1 day in advance via email. Agit was our driver and he was on time, courteous and a safe driver.

After the tour we booked an airport transfer for a few days later. This time Ashok picked us up and again he was on time, professional and very friendly!

Prices were fantastic also. Very Highly recommended smile
192) Ana 
Heimatort, Land:
Dubai Heimatort, Land
IP gespeichert Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.78.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.6 Safari/537.78.2
1.9.2014 00:53 Permalink

(192) I was checking for a good taxi company in India as I planned to go on my own. A lot of people told me not to go alone (young woman) but at the end I chose the right company and had a great time.

Ashok is really helpful and take care of every little detail. He always checked I was ok. Anil, the driver I got, was always on time, really friendly and polite, giving me a lot of advices. The car was good with AC and very clean. Really recommended for anyone traveling around India.
191) chagit 
Heimatort, Land:
Israel Heimatort, Land
IP gespeichert Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
17.8.2014 11:17 Permalink

We found Ashok's Taxi Tours through a Tripadvisor recommendation, and were extremely happy with our choice.

Mr. Ashok was nice, efficient, and generous, and very considerate when we found we had to cut our trip short. He gave us a very clear and fair quote from the beginning, and the adjustment was hence very easy.

Our driver, Anil, with whom we spent 5 days, was very nice--professional and pleasant. He was very patient with our indecisive plan, was always on time, and had very good suggestions as to what we should see in every site. It was a pleasure to spend so many hours with a nice person like Anil.

We'll definitely use their services again should we be back in India.

In short: Highly recommended

Visited July 2014
190) Daniela und Rainer 
Heimatort, Land:
Bavaria, Germany Heimatort, Land
IP gespeichert Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.77.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.5 Safari/537.77.4
5.8.2014 22:00 Permalink

wir hatten eine richtig gute zeit in rajasthan und mit raju vermutlich einen der besten fahrer. er ist immer auf uns eingegangen, hat sich aber auch mit sehr guten vorschlägen eingebracht. somit hatten wir ein max. an nord-india big grin

die tour war eigentlich für 14 tage geplant, wurde aber letztenendes um weitere 4 tage erweitert. einfach eine unglaublich schöne zeit...

über verhaltensregeln in indien muss ich euch nichts erzählen. wenn ihr vorhabt hierher zu kommen, dann werdet ihr euch schon schlau gemacht haben. wenn sich aber doch unsicherheiten ergeben, könnt ihr bei "raj" nachfragen, der hat immer die antwort parat und hilft gerne weiter. cool

nehmt auch die vorschläge an, selbst wenn ihr euch zuhause bereits im internet was zurechtgelegt habt. teilt ihm euer budget mit und ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht sein.

also kurzum: VIELEN DANK RAJ -

everything is possible!
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